ZIP Archive Format(ZIP.rfh):
Class: Archive, Status: Headers only, Last change: 11.01.2024 17:21:22

include DosFTime.rfi

TOSCode enum byte (
  IBM=0,   //MS-DOS and OS/2 (FAT / VFAT / FAT32 file systems)
  VMS=2,   //VAX/VMS
  Atari=5, //Atari ST
  HPFS=6,  //OS/2 H.P.F.S.
  Mac=7,   //Macintosh
  Z=8,     //Z-System
  CP_M=9,  //CP/M
  NTFS=10, //Windows NTFS
  MVS=11, //MVS (OS/390 - Z/OS)
  VSE=12, //VSE
  Acorn=13, //Acorn Risc
  VFAT=14, //VFAT
  AltVMS=15, //alternate MVS
  BeOS=16, //BeOS
  Tandem=17, //Tandem
  OS400=18, //OS/400
  OSX=19 //OS X (Darwin)

TMadeVer struc
  byte PrgVer
  TOSCode OS

TComprMethod enum word (
  Stored=0,     // The file is stored (no compression)
  Shrunk=1,     // The file is Shrunk
  Reduced1=2,   // The file is Reduced with compression factor 1
  Reduced2=3,   // The file is Reduced with compression factor 2
  Reduced3=4,   // The file is Reduced with compression factor 3
  Reduced4=5,   // The file is Reduced with compression factor 4
  Imploded=6,   //The file is Imploded
  Tokenized=7,  //Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
  Deflated=8,   //The file is Deflated
  DeflatedE=9,  //Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm)
  ImplodedPK=10,//PKWARE Data Compression Library Imploding (old IBM TERSE)
                //11 - Reserved by PKWARE
  BZIP2=12,     //File is compressed using BZIP2 algorithm
                //13 - Reserved by PKWARE
  LZMA=14,      //LZMA (EFS)
                //15 - Reserved by PKWARE
                //16 - Reserved by PKWARE
                //17 - Reserved by PKWARE
  TERSE=18,     //File is compressed using IBM TERSE (new)
  LZ77=19,      //IBM LZ77 z Architecture (PFS)
  WavPack=97,   //WavPack compressed data
  PPMd=98       //PPMd version I, Rev 1

type bit
TBit num+(1)
TBit2 num+(2)
TBit3 num+(3)
TBit4 num+(4)
TBit5 num+(5)

TNoMethodF set 2 of ()

TImplodedF set 2 of (
  Dict8k, //1 - 8K sliding dictionary was used, 0 - 4K
  Tree3   //1- 3 Shannon-Fano trees were used, 0 - 2

TDeflatedF enum TBit2 (
  Normal=0,   // (-en) compression option was used.
  Maximum=1,  // (-ex) compression option was used.
  Fast=2,     // (-ef) compression option was used.
  SuperFast=3 // (-es) compression option was used.

TLZMAF set 2 of (
  HasEOS //end-of-stream (EOS) marker is used

TFileFlags(Method) struc
  TBit Encrypted
  case TComprMethod @:Method of
    Imploded: TImplodedF
    Deflated: TDeflatedF
  else TNoMethodF
  endc MethodF
  set 13 of (
    LocZero, //the fields crc-32, compressed size and uncompressed size are set
             //to zero in the local header
    EnhDeflRsrv, //Bit 4: Reserved for use with method 8, for enhanced
    ComprPatch, //Bit 5: If this bit is set, this indicates that the file is
               //compressed patched data.  (Note: Requires PKZIP
               //version 2.70 or greater)
    StrongEncrypt, //Strong encryption. If this bit is set, you MUST
               //set the version needed to extract value to at least
               //50 and you MUST also set bit 0.  If AES encryption
               //is used, the version needed to extract value MUST
               //be at least 51
    UTF8, //Language encoding flag (EFS).  If this bit is set,
          //the filename and comment fields for this file
    EnhComprRsrv, //Reserved by PKWARE for enhanced compression
    EncryptCentralDir // Set when encrypting the Central Directory to indicate
                //selected data values in the Local Header are masked to
                //hide their actual values.
  ) FRest

TDeflatedBlockType enum TBit2 (Stored=0,HTFixed=1,DynamicHT=2,Error=3)

TDynamicHTData struc
  TBit5 NLiterals //# of Literal codes sent - 256 (256 - 286) All other codes are never sent.
  TBit5 NDist //# of Dist codes - 1 (1 - 32)
  TBit4 NLen //# of Bit Length codes - 3 (3 - 19)
  array[@.NLen+3]of TBit3 BitLenLens //The lengths of the bit length codes

TDeflatedData struc
  TBit IsLastBl //This bit is set to 1 if this is the last compressed block in the data
  TDeflatedBlockType Typ
  case @.Typ of
   DynamicHT: TDynamicHTData
  endc D
ends: assert[@.Typ<>TDeflatedBlockType.Error]

TInternalAttr set 16 of (
  IsText, //the file is apparently an ASCII or text file
  HasControlFld ^ 0x2 //The 0x0002 bit of this field indicates, if set, that
       //a 4 byte variable record length control field precedes each
       //logical record indicating the length of the record.

TDiskNum word

TExtraDataId enum Word (
  Zip64=0x0001,      //Zip64 extended information extra field
  AV=0x0007,         //AV Info
  PFS=0x0008,        //Reserved for extended language encoding data (PFS)
  OS2=0x0009,        //OS/2
  NTFS=0x000a,       //NTFS
  OpenVMS=0x000c,    //OpenVMS
  UNIX=0x000d,       //UNIX
  FS=0x000e,         //Reserved for file stream and fork descriptors
  Patch=0x000f,      //Patch Descriptor
  PKCS7=0x0014,      //PKCS#7 Store for X.509 Certificates
  X509f=0x0015,      //X.509 Certificate ID and Signature for
                     //individual file
  X509d=0x0016,      //X.509 Certificate ID for Central Directory
  StrongEncr=0x0017, //Strong Encryption Header
  RMC=0x0018,        //Record Management Controls
  PKCS7r=0x0019,     //PKCS#7 Encryption Recipient Certificate List
  AS400=0x0065,      //IBM S/390 (Z390), AS/400 (I400) attributes  uncompressed
  AS400C=0x0066,     //Reserved for IBM S/390 (Z390), AS/400 (I400) attributes - compressed
  POSZIP=0x4690      //POSZIP 4690 (reserved)

TOs2Extra(Sz) struc
  ulong BSize //Uncompressed Block Size
  TComprMethod CType //Compression type
  ulong EACRC //CRC value for uncompress block
  raw[] D //Compressed block

TWinFileTime struc //Contains a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
  ulong dwLowDateTime
  ulong dwHighDateTime

TNTFSExtraDataVal(Id,Sz) struc
  case @:id of
   1: struc
     TWinFileTime Mtime //File last modification time
     TWinFileTime Atime //File last access time
     TWinFileTime Ctime //File creation time
  endc C
  raw[] Rest

TNTFSExtraDataRec struc
  word Id //NTFS attribute tag value
  word Sz //Size of attribute in bytes
  TNTFSExtraDataVal(@.Id,@.Sz) D //Attribute data

//TNTFSExtraDataTbl(Len) array of TNTFSExtraDataRec:[@:Size=@:Len]

TNTFSExtra(Sz) struc
  ulong Rsrv //Reserved for future use
  array of TNTFSExtraDataRec Tbl

TZip64Extra struc
  Uint64 FSize
  Uint64 CSize

TExtraDataVal(Id,Sz) struc
  case TExtraDataId @:id of
   OS2: TOs2Extra(@@:Sz)
   NTFS: TNTFSExtra(@@:Sz)
   Zip64: TZip64Extra
   //!!!ToDo: add other kinds of Extra data
  endc C
  raw[] Rest

TExtraDataRec struc
  TExtraDataId Id
  word Sz
  TExtraDataVal(@.Id,@.Sz) D

TExtraDataTbl(Len) array of TExtraDataRec:[@:Size=@:Len]

TExtraData(Len) struc
  TExtraDataTbl(@:Len) Tbl
  //raw[] rest

// Local file header:
TLocalFileHdr struc
  ulong Sign //local file header signature     4 bytes  (0x04034b50)
  int ExtrVer //version needed to extract       2 bytes
  TFileFlags Flags //general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
  TComprMethod ComprMethod //compression method              2 bytes
  TFileTime LastModTime
//  word LastModTime //last mod file time              2 bytes
//  word LastModDate //last mod file date              2 bytes
  ulong crc_32 //crc-32                          4 bytes
  ulong CSize //compressed size                 4 bytes
  ulong FSize //uncompressed size               4 bytes
  word FNLen //filename length                 2 bytes
  word ExtraLen //extra field length              2 bytes
  array[@.FNLen] of Char FName //filename (variable size)
  TExtraData(@.ExtraLen) Extra//extra field (variable size)
  @.Flags.FRest and 1 = 0*/]:let CSize=@.Extra.Tbl[?@.Id=TExtraDataId.Zip64].
    D.C.Zip64.CSize exc @.CSize;

//Data descriptor:
/* This record is present when Flags.LocZero bit is set,
  but then the @.Hdr.CSize expression will be incorrect, so
  we made it invalid in assert clause (I suppose that we should
  decompress the file data first to obtain its size in this case -
TDataDescr struc 
  ulong crc_32 //crc-32                          4 bytes
  ulong CSize //compressed size                 4 bytes
  ulong FSize //uncompressed size               4 bytes

TLocalFileData(Sz,ComprMethod) struc
  case TComprMethod @:ComprMethod of
    Deflated: TDeflatedData
  endc D
  raw[] Rest

TLocalFileRec struc
  TLocalFileHdr Hdr
  TLocalFileData(@.Hdr:CSize,@.Hdr.ComprMethod or (-@.Hdr.Flags.Encrypted)) D

TLocalFiles array of TLocalFileRec ?not @.Hdr:assert!void;

// File header:
TFileHdr struc
  ulong Sign //central file header signature   4 bytes  (0x02014b50)
  TMadeVer MadeVer //version made by                 2 bytes
  int ExtrVer //version needed to extract       2 bytes
  TFileFlags Flags //general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
  TComprMethod ComprMethod //compression method              2 bytes
  TFileTime LastModTime
//  word LastModTime //last mod file time              2 bytes
//  word LastModDate //last mod file date              2 bytes
  ulong crc_32 //crc-32                          4 bytes
  ulong CSize //compressed size                 4 bytes
  ulong FSize //uncompressed size               4 bytes
  word FNLen //filename length                 2 bytes
  word ExtraLen //extra field length              2 bytes
  word CommentLen //file comment length             2 bytes
  TDiskNum StartDiskNum //disk number start               2 bytes
  TInternalAttr InternalAttr //internal file attributes        2 bytes
  ulong ExternalAttr //external file attributes        4 bytes
  ulong LocHdrOfs //relative offset of local header 4 bytes
  array[@.FNLen] of Char FName //filename (variable size)
  TExtraData(@.ExtraLen) Extra//extra field (variable size)
  array[@.CommentLen] of Char Comment //Comment (variable size)

TCentralDirTbl array of TFileHdr ?not @:assert!void;

// End of central dir record:

TCentralDirEndRec struc
  ulong Sign //end of central dir signature    4 bytes  (0x06054b50)
  TDiskNum DiskNum //number of this disk             2 bytes
  TDiskNum StartDiskNum //number of the disk with the start of the central directory  2 bytes
  word DiskTotFiles //total number of entries in the central dir on this disk    2 bytes
  word TotFiles //total number of entries in the central dir                 2 bytes
  ulong DirSize //size of the central directory   4 bytes
  ulong StartDirOfs //offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number        4 bytes
  word CommentLen //zipfile comment length          2 bytes
  array[@.CommentLen] of Char Comment //Comment (variable size)

TCentralDir struc
  TCentralDirTbl Tbl
    DEnd: TCentralDirEndRec
    BadF: TLocalFileHdr
    Nothing: void
  endt DirEnd
ends:assert[(@:Size=@.DirEnd.DEnd.DirSize)exc 1/*,@.Tbl:Count=@.DirEnd.TotFiles*/]

TZipFileData struc
  TLocalFiles Files
  TCentralDir Dir

0 TZipFileData D

assert D.Files[0].Hdr:assert exc 0; //We just requre that the first file 
  //should be present to consider the file as a ZIP archive

descr ('ZIP Archive File Format.',NL,
  'Info Source: at',NL,
  'To obtain this file you can also go to:',NL,
  '  Then download -->',NL)

//ToDo: use

Other specifications.

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