NTFS - file system structure (when data extracted into a file)(NTF.rfh):
Class: OS Specific, Status: Complete, Last change: 03.02.1999 9:01:50

 * NTFS - file system structure
include parttion.rfi

PPartInfo ^TPartInfo *0x200 near=word
TPartInfo void


TSign4 array[4] of Char

TUnicodeChars(Len) array[@:Len*2]of Char

TResidentAttrRec/*(Base)*/ struc
   USHORT              Size                    // Size of resident attribute
   USHORT              usFil1
   USHORT              Offset                  // offset specific value part
   USHORT              IndexFlag
//   (raw[]at &@;) ra_rest
ends //:[@:Size=@.Offset-(&@-@:Base)]

TNonResidentAttrRec struc
   LCN                 SegFirst                // first LCN in this segment
   LCN                 SegLast                 // last  LCN in this segment
   USHORT              Offset                  // Offset to the run-list
   USHORT              ComprEngine             // Id of compression engine
   USHORT              usFil2
   USHORT              usFil3
   XLONG               Allocated               // Allocated disk space
   XLONG               Size                    // Size of uncompressed attrib
   XLONG               Compressed              // Compressed size of attribute
//   (raw[]at &@;) ra_rest

TAttrType enum ulong (
  END_LIST  = 0xffffffff,
  STANDARD  = 0x10,
  ATTRLIST  = 0x20,
  FILENAME  = 0x30,
  VERSION   = 0x40,
  SECURITY  = 0x50,
  VOLNAME   = 0x60,
  VOLINFO   = 0x70,
  DATA      = 0x80,
  IDXROOT   = 0x90,
  IDXALLOC  = 0xa0,
  BITMAP    = 0xb0,
  SYMLINK   = 0xc0,
  EAINFO    = 0xd0,
  EADATA    = 0xe0

TFatAttrs set 32 of (

Ta_standard struc
   XLONG               FileCreationTime
   XLONG               FileModification
   XLONG               FrecModification
   XLONG               FileLastAccessTm
   TFatAttrs           FatAttributes           // As FAT + 0x800 = compressed
   ULONG               ulReserved1             // unknown
ends                                           // end of struct "a_standard"

Ta_attrlist struc
   ULONG               Type
   USHORT              RecLength
   BYTE                NameLength
   BYTE                bFil1
   LCN                 StartVcn
   LCN                 MainMftRecord    // MFT rec containing header
   USHORT              Identificator
   TUnicodeChars(@.NameLength)  Name // name in Unicode
ends                                    // end of struct "a_attrlist"

TFileNameType enum byte (
   FN_POSIX = 0x00,                     // Posix   style filename
   FN_UNICO = 0x01,                     // Unicode style filename
   FN_DOS83 = 0x02,                     // DOS 8.3 style filename
   FN_UNDOS = 0x03                      // DOS & Unicode filename

Ta_filename struc
   ULONG               MftParentDir            // Seq-nr parent-dir MFT entry
   USHORT              usFil1                  // Unknown, part of seq-nr ?
   USHORT              MftParentSeq            // Seq-nr parent-dir MFT entry
   XLONG               FileCreationTime
   XLONG               FileModification
   XLONG               FrecModification
   XLONG               FileLastAccessTm
   XLONG               Allocated               // Allocated disk space
   XLONG               RealSize                // Size of the attribute
   XLONG               Flags
   BYTE                FileNameLength
   TFileNameType       FileNameType
   TUnicodeChars(@.FileNameLength) FileName    // name in Unicode
ends                                            // end of struct "a_filename"
Ta_version struc
   BYTE contents
ends                               // end of struct "a_version"

Ta_security struc
   BYTE                contents
ends                               // end of struct "a_security"

Ta_volname(Sz) struc
   array[@:Sz]of Char VolumeName     // Volume name in Unicode
ends                                 // end of struct "a_volname"

Ta_volinfo struc
   raw[9*8 - Wrong size]            bFil1           // unknown
   BYTE                ChkDskRequired  // Checkdisk flag
ends                                   // end of struct "a_volinfo"
Ta_data struc                           // main data attribute
   BYTE                contents
ends                                       // end of struct "a_data"

Ta_idxroot struc
   ULONG               I30                     // allways 0x30 ???
   ULONG               ulOne                   // allways 0x01 ???
   ULONG               Size
   ULONG               Clusters                // clusters per index ???
   ULONG               I10                     // allways 0x10 ???
   ULONG               EntrySize1              // size of entry + 0x10 ???
   ULONG               EntrySize2              // size of entry + 0x10 ???
   USHORT              usOne                   // allways 0x01
   USHORT              Flags                   // ???
ends                                           // end of struct "a_idxroot"
Ta_idxalloc struc
   TSign4  Signature            // 'INDX'
   USHORT              FixupOffset             // usualy 0x28
   USHORT              FixupNumber             // number of fixups
   LCN                 BufferVcn
   USHORT              HeaderSize
   ULONG               InUseLength
   ULONG               TotalLength
   (raw[@.FixupOffset-0x28]at &@;) OfsSkip
   array[@.FixupNumber]of USHORT Fixup
//   BYTE                EntryList[1]            // actual entry list
//   BYTE                contents
ends                                           // end of struct "a_idxalloc"
typedef struct a_bitmap {
   BYTE                contents;
} A_BITMAP;                                     // end of struct "a_bitmap"

typedef struct a_symlink {
   BYTE                contents;
} A_SYMLINK;                                    // end of struct "a_symlink"

typedef struct a_eainfo {
   BYTE                contents;
} A_EAINFO;                                     // end of struct "a_eainfo"

typedef struct a_eadata {
   BYTE                contents;
} A_EADATA;                                     // end of struct "a_eainfo"

TAttr struc                       // MFT attribute header part
   TAttrType           Type                    // type of attribute
   USHORT              Length                  // length of this attribute
   USHORT              usFil2                  // (used on some dir bitmaps)
   BYTE                Residency               // 0 = resident, 1 in Runs
   BYTE                NameLen                 // Length of name (if used)
   USHORT              Offset                  // to name or resident data
   BYTE                Compressed              // 1 = compressed
   BYTE                bFil1
   USHORT              Identificator
   case @.Residency of
      0: TResidentAttrRec//(&@@)           // Resident attribute
      1: TNonResidentAttrRec//(&@@)        // Non-resident attribute
   endc var
   TUnicodeChars(@.NameLen) Name
//   USHORT              Fixup[1];                // variable-size
   case @.Type of
     STANDARD: Ta_standard
     ATTRLIST: Ta_attrlist
     FILENAME: Ta_filename
     VOLNAME:  Ta_volname(@@.var.0.Size exc 0)
//     VOLINFO: Ta_volinfo
     IDXROOT: Ta_idxroot
//     IDXALLOC: Ta_idxalloc
   endc Data
   (raw[]at &@;) rest
ends:[@:Size=@.Length]                            // end of struct "s_mftattr"

TAttrTbl array of TAttr ?@.Type=0xffffffff!ulong;

TFileFlags SET 16 of (
  NONRES = 0,                     // holds non-resident attribs
  DIRECT = 1                      // directory file-record

TMFTFileRec struc                         // MFT File table entry
   TSign4 Signature                  // Signature "FILE"
   USHORT              FixupOffset             // offset to fixup pattern
   USHORT              FixupSize               // Size of fixup-list +1
   ULONG               ulFil2
   ULONG               ulFil3
   USHORT              Sequence                // sequence nr in MFT
   USHORT              HardLinks               // Hard-link count
   USHORT              AttribOffset            // Offset to seq of Attributes
   TFileFlags          Flags                   // 0x01 = NonRes; 0x02 = Dir
   ULONG               RecLength               // Real size of the record
   ULONG               AllLength               // Allocated size of the record
   LCN                 BaseMftRec              // ptr to base MFT rec or 0
   USHORT              MinIdentificator        // Minimum Identificator +1
   USHORT              FixupPattern            // Current fixup pattern
   array[@.FixupSize-1] of USHORT   FixupList  // Variable-size fixup-list
                                               // followed by resident and
                                               // part of non-res attributes
   TAttrTbl Attr
   (raw[]at &@;) rest
ends:[@:Size=@.AllLength]                        // end of struct "s_mftfile"

0x0000 TMasterBootRec MBR
//0x01C6 PPartInfo PartList
0xBE00 array of TMFTFileRec:[@:Size=(FileSize-&@)and 0xFFFFFC00] FileTbl

Other specifications.

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