Windows 16-bit Executable(NE.rfi):
Class: Executable and Object, Status: Almost Complete, Last change: 08.03.2008 14:47:30


DWORD ulong

TNEExeType enum byte (
  NE_UNKNOWN=0x0,         /* Unknown (any "new-format" OS) */
  NE_OS2=0x1,     /* Microsoft/IBM OS/2 (default)  */
  NE_WINDOWS=0x2,         /* Microsoft Windows */
  NE_DOS4=0x3,    /* Microsoft MS-DOS 4.x */
  NE_WIN386=0x4   /* Windows 386  ????????? */

TSegTable(Cnt) forward
PSegTable(Cnt) ^TSegTable(@:Cnt) - NewHdrOfs near=word

TEntryTbl(Sz) forward
PEntryTbl(Sz) ^TEntryTbl(@:Sz) - NewHdrOfs near=word;

TResTable(Sz) forward
PResTable(Sz) ^TResTable(@:Sz) - NewHdrOfs nil:(@:Sz<=4) near=word

TResidentNames forward
PResidentNames ^TResidentNames - NewHdrOfs near=word
PNonResidentNames ^TResidentNames near=ulong

TModuleRefTbl(Cnt) forward
PModuleRefTbl(Cnt) ^TModuleRefTbl(@:Cnt) - NewHdrOfs near=word

TNEFlags set 16 of (
  NENOTP = 15,    //0x8000        /* Not a process */
  NEIERR = 13,    //0x2000        /* Errors in image */
  NEBOUND = 11,   //0x0800        /* Bound as family app */
// NEAPPTYP       0x0700          /* Application type mask */
// NENOTWINCOMPAT  0x0100         /* Not compatible with P.M. Windowing */
// NEWINCOMPAT    0x0200          /* Compatible with P.M. Windowing */
// NEWINAPI       0x0300          /* Uses P.M. Windowing API */
  NEFLTP = 7,     //0x0080        /* Floating-point instructions */
  NEI386 = 6,     //0x0040        /* 386 instructions */
  NEI286 = 5,     //0x0020        /* 286 instructions */
  NEI086 = 4,     //0x0010        /* 8086 instructions */
  NEPROT = 3,     //0x0008        /* Runs in protected mode only */
  NEPPLI = 2,     //0x0004        /* Per-Process Library Initialization */
  NEINST = 1,     //0x0002        /* Instance data */
  NESOLO = 0      //0x0001        /* Solo data */

TNEHdr struc
  byte  ne_ver           /* 02 Linker Version number */
  byte  ne_rev           /* 03 Linker Revision number */
  PEntryTbl ne_enttab    /* 04 Offset of Entry Table */
  word  ne_cbenttab      /* 06 Number of bytes in Entry Table */
  ulong ne_crc           /* 08 Checksum of whole file */
  TNEFlags  ne_flags     /* 0C Flag word */
  word  ne_autodata      /* 0E Automatic data segment number */
  word  ne_heap          /* 10 Initial heap allocation */
  word  ne_stack         /* 12 Initial stack allocation */
  ulong ne_csip          /* 14 Initial CS:IP setting */
  ulong ne_sssp          /* 18 Initial SS:SP setting */
  int   ne_cseg          /* 1C Count of file segments */
  int   ne_cmod          /* 1E Entries in Module Reference Table */
  word  ne_cbnrestab     /* 20 Size of non-resident name table */
  PSegTable(@.ne_cseg) ne_segtab /* 22 Offset of Segment Table */
  PResTable ne_rsrctab   /* 24 Offset of Resource Table */
  PResidentNames ne_restab /* 26 Offset of resident name table */
  PModuleRefTbl(@.ne_cmod) ne_modtab /* 28 Offset of Module Reference Table */
  word  ne_imptab        /* 2A Offset of Imported Names Table */
  PNonResidentNames ne_nrestab /* 2C Offset of Non-resident Names Table */
  int   ne_cmovent       /* 30 Count of movable entries */
  word  ne_align         /* 32 Segment alignment shift count */
  int   ne_cres          /* 34 Count of resource entries */
  TNEExeType ne_exetyp   /* 36 Target operating system */
  byte  ne_addflags      /* 37 Additional flags */
  array[3] of word ne_res/* 38 3 reserved words */
  byte  ne_sdkrev        /* 3E Windows SDK revison number */
  byte  ne_sdkver        /* 3F Windows SDK version number */


NewHdrOfs+2 TNEHdr NEHdr

  SectorSize = (1 shl NEHdr.ne_align)/*512*/;

  NSTYPE     =     0x0007;  /* Segment type mask */
  NSCODE     =     0x0000;  /* Code segment */
  NSDATA     =     0x0001;  /* Data segment */
  NSITER     =     0x0008;  /* Iterated segment flag */
  NSMOVE     =     0x0010;  /* Movable segment flag */
  NSSHARED   =     0x0020;  /* Shared segment flag */
  NSPRELOAD  =     0x0040;  /* Preload segment flag */
  NSEXRD     =     0x0080;  /* Execute-only (code segment), or
                           *  read-only (data segment)
  NSRELOC    =     0x0100;  /* Segment has relocations */
  NSCONFORM  =     0x0200;  /* Conforming segment */
  NSDPL      =     0x0C00;  /* I/O privilege level (286 DPL bits) */
  SHIFTDPL   =     10;      /* Left shift count for SEGDPL field */
  NSDISCARD  =     0x1000;  /* Segment is discardable */
  NS32BIT    =     0x2000;  /* 32-bit code segment */
  NSHUGE     =     0x4000;  /* Huge memory segment, length of
                           * segment and minimum allocation
                           * size are in segment sector units
  NSPURE     =     NSSHARED;  /* For compatibility */

  NSLOADED  =  0x0004;     /* ns_sector field contains memory addr */

//Segment flags
TSegFlags set 16 of (
  DATA     =     0,  /* Data segment */
  Allocated=     1,  /* loader has allocated memory for segment */
  LOADED   =     2,  /* ns_sector field contains memory addr */
  ITER     =     3,  /* Iterated segment flag */
  MOVE     =     4,  /* Movable segment flag */
  SHARED   =     5,  /* Shared segment flag */
  PRELOAD  =     6,  /* Preload segment flag */
  EXRD     =     7,  /* Execute-only (code segment), or
                           *  read-only (data segment)
  RELOC    =     8,  /* Segment has relocations */
  CONFORM  =     9,  /* Conforming segment */
//  DPL      =     0x0C00,  /* I/O privilege level (286 DPL bits) */
  DISCARD  =     12,  /* Segment is discardable */
  IS32BIT  =     13,  /* 32-bit code segment */
  HUGE     =     14  /* Huge memory segment, length of
                           * segment and minimum allocation
                           * size are in segment sector units


TSegNDX enum Byte (

TIterSegData struc
  word NIter
  word Sz
  raw[@.Sz] IterDat

/** relocation-address types: **/
TReloAddrType enum byte (
  raLowB=0,  //Low byte at the specified offset
  ra16sel=2, //16-bit selector
  ra32ptr=3, //32-bit pointer
  ra16ofs=5, //16-bit offset
  ra48ptr=11,//48-bit pointer
  ra32ofs=13 //32-bit offset

/** relocation types: **/

TReloType enum byte (
  rtIntrRef=0, //Internal reference
  rtImpOrd=1,  //Imported ordinal
  rtImpName=2, //Imported name
  rtIntrRefA=4, //Internal reference
  rtImpOrdA=5,  //Imported ordinal
  rtImpNameA=6, //Imported name

TIntrRef struc
  TSegNDX hSeg
  Byte B0
  case @.hSeg of
    bSegMovable: int //ordinal in the segment's entry table
  else word //TgtOfs
  endc Tgt

TImpOrd struc
  int hMod
  int hOrd

TImpName struc
  int hMod
  word NameOfs

  word W0
  word W1

TReloRec struc
  TReloAddrType AT
  TReloType RT
  word Ofs
  case @.RT of
    rtIntrRef,rtIntrRefA: TIntrRef
    rtImpOrd,rtImpOrdA: TImpOrd
    rtImpName,rtImpNameA: TImpName
  endc Inf

TReloInfo struc
  int Cnt
  array[@.Cnt] of TReloRec Tbl

TSegData(Sz,Flags) struc
  case @:Flags and NSITER of
   0: raw[@@:Sz]
  else TIterSegData
  endc dat
  case @:Flags and NSRELOC of
    NSRELOC: TReloInfo
  endc ReloTbl

PSegData(Sz,Flags) ^TSegData(@:Sz,@:Flags) * SectorSize near=word

TNewSegRec struc /* New .EXE segment table entry */
  PSegData  ns_sector    /* File sector of start of segment */
  word      ns_cbseg     /* Number of bytes in file */
  TSegFlags ns_flags     /* Attribute flags */
  word      ns_minalloc  /* Minimum allocation in bytes */
ends :[@.ns_sector:Sz=(0x10000 when (@.ns_cbseg=0)) exc @.ns_cbseg,
  @.ns_sector:Flags = @.ns_flags]

TSegTable(Cnt) array[@:Cnt] of TNewSegRec

/*** Entry Table ***/

TMovableSegData struc
  Byte Flags //Specifies a byte value. This value can be a
             //combination of the following bits:
             //Bit(s)    Meaning
             //0     If this bit is set, the entry is exported.
             //1     If this bit is set, the segment uses a global
             //    (shared) data segment.
             //3-7   If the executable file contains code that
             //    performs ring transitions, these bits specify
             //    the number of words that compose the stack. At
             //    the time of the ring transition, these words
             //    must be copied from one ring to the other.
  Word Int3F //Specifies an int 3fh instruction.
  Byte hSeg  //Specifies the segment number.
  Word Ofs   //Specifies the segment offset.

TFixedSegData struc
  Byte Flags //Specifies a byte value. This value can be a
             //combination of the following bits:
             //Bit(s)    Meaning
             //0     If this bit is set, the entry is exported.
             //1     If this bit is set, the entry uses a global
             //  (shared) data segment. (This may be set only
             //  for SINGLEDATA library modules.)
             //3-7   If the executable file contains code that
             //  performs ring transitions, these bits specify
             //  the number of words that compose the stack. At
             //  the time of the ring transition, these words
             //  must be copied from one ring to the other.
  Word Ofs   //Specifies an offset.

TEntryRec(hSeg) case TSegNDX @:hSeg of
  bSegMovable: TMovableSegData
else TFixedSegData

TEntryBundleTbl0(Cnt,hSeg) array[@:Cnt] of TEntryRec(@:hSeg)

TEntryBundleTbl(Cnt,hSeg,hSeg1) case @:hSeg of
  0: void //Experimental fact
else TEntryBundleTbl0(@:Cnt,@:hSeg1)

TEntryBundle struc
  Byte Cnt
  TSegNDX hSeg
  TEntryBundleTbl(@.Cnt,@.hSeg,@.hSeg) Tbl

//TEntryTbl(Sz) raw[@:Sz]
TEntryTbl(Sz) array of TEntryBundle ? @.Cnt=0!Byte; :[@:Size=@:Sz]

/*** Resident Names Table ***/

TResidentNameInf struc
  str N
  int Id

TResidentNames array of TResidentNameInf ?@.N[0]=0!byte;

/*** Module Reference Table ***/

TModuleRefTbl(Cnt) array[@:Cnt] of Word

/*** Imported Names Table ***/


/*** Resources ***/


RsrcOfs = NEHdr.ne_rsrctab+NewHdrOfs;


PRsrcName ^str - RsrcOfs hideref nil:(@ and 0x8000<>0) near=word:

TRsrcTypeID enum PRsrcName (
  rt_Cursor      = 0x8001,
  rt_Bitmap      = 0x8002,
  rt_Icon        = 0x8003,
  rt_Menu        = 0x8004,
  rt_Dialog      = 0x8005,
  rt_String      = 0x8006,
  rt_FontDir     = 0x8007,
  rt_Font        = 0x8008,
  rt_Accelerator = 0x8009,
  rt_RCData      = 0x800A,
  rt_Group_Cursor= 0x800C,
  rt_Group_Icon  = 0x800E,
  rt_Version = 0x8010

TNAMEINFO(Tp) forward

  TRsrcTypeID rtTypeID
  int         rtResourceCount
  DWORD       rtReserved
  array[@.rtResourceCount] of TNAMEINFO(@@.rtTypeID) rtNameInfo

TResTbl array of TTYPEINFO ?@.rtTypeID=0!WORD;

TResNames array of str ?@[0]=0;

TResTable(Sz) struc
  WORD rscAlignShift
  TResTbl rscTypes
  TResNames rscNames

  resAlign=(1 shl NEHdr.ne_rsrctab^.rscAlignShift)exc 0;

include verres16.rfi


TResData(Sz,Tp) struc
  case TRsrcTypeID @:Tp of
    rt_Version: TResVersion
  endc Inf
  raw[] rest

PResData(Sz,Tp) ^TResData(@:Sz,@:Tp) * resAlign near=word

  PResData(Tp=@:Tp) rnOffset
  WORD rnLength
  WORD rnFlags
  PRsrcName rnID
  WORD rnHandle
  WORD rnUsage
ends:[@.rnOffset:Sz=@.rnLength * resAlign]



Other specifications.

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